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Note that the posts you find herein need edition. They are not finalized. They do still need some correction. I am more concered with doing the tasks for the moment being. These should be finalized soon. Thank you for understanding.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 8_Reflection

Week 8 is devoted to two main issues: learning autonomy and creating a one-computer lesson.
Learning autonomy is defined as "the ability to take charge of one's learning" Holec (1981: 3, cited in Benson & Voller, 1997). Parents, educators and society should fost. er the students' autonomy. Language classes should promote it through using a variety of techniques. Possible activities are Diaries, self report, problem-solving tasks... Teaching could not be described as effective if it doesn't enhance autonomy. Learners need to know and reflect on their learning so as they can improve themselves.
As in my context, many schools in the world still luck full access to computers and laboratories. My school doesn't have a laboratory, but has some computers. In such conditions, technology is always possible. Creating one-computer class would bring change to our teaching and make it more effective. This depends on what we use it for and the way we display it. Deborah's tips are worth using. I have learned some useful techniques that would give another form to my teaching. I can now bring my laptop to the class and use it to teach in a better way.
Following tips the reading materials provide, I managed to create a sample lesson for one-computer class.
The work with the project is getting forward successfully. My partner Nilufar and I have exchanged the draft of the report and we shall give feedback to each other very soon.

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